Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Great Day!

My oldest son, Trevor, turned five years old yesterday. Unbelievable! Time is such a blur to me these days; I have to work really hard to make specific memories stick in my brain anymore. But I clearly remember when Trevor was just a toddler. He had so many days where everything frustrated him. He had no ability to communicate his desires and his needs and spent so much time crying and having tantrums. I also remember sitting in the rocking chair in the corner of his room and having him slumped on my chest, snoring (with his overly large adenoids), enjoying being loved by Mommy. And speaking of adenoids, I remember his surgery to have them removed as well as the surgery to have his tonsils taken out. All of this time has passed so quickly when originally the difficult times felt like they would drag on forever.

Trevor was my second-born and I don't think it was until his younger brother came along that I really began to understand how important it is to cherish EVERY moment you have with young children because it really is true that you blink and they're headed off to school and then you breathe and they're leaving home! Again, it's unbelievable.

So five years after his rushed entrance into this world, Trevor is a happy little guy who is totally stoked to be starting kindergarten next week. He's excited to ride the school bus and meet new friends and impress his teachers with all he knows. I'm so excited for him to experience all the joys of school when it's brand new. I know it will wear off all too soon but it's so great when it's fresh and novel! He's come so far in such a short period of time and I wish him all the luck in the world. I hope he has kind children in his classroom and I pray that they can overlook his differences in social abilities and play skills and enjoy him for the sweet and caring friend he can be....

To celebrate his birthday (since his party is scheduled late this year), we went to a local amusement center and he and his sister got to drive go-karts for the first time. They loved it!

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