Wednesday, October 12, 2011

31 for 21: Day 12 ~ Wordless Wednesday

Okay not quite wordless. (they never truly are). First, I have to admit my mistake. I went to bed last evening, blissfully unaware that I had *oops* forgotten to make a post on my blog. So technically, I guess I failed the challenge. The good news is that nobody who participates truly fails! I've still got 30 days of raising awareness, so ~ HOORAY!

You might be wondering how Wordless Wednesday contributes to awareness of the issues with Trisomy 21. From personal experience, I can say that many parents wonder (a.k.a. fear) (upon receiving the news of their child's diagnosis) whether their child will be considered cute like other children. Wordless Wednesday provides all the proof needed.

So, back to today's subject matter...and thus the end of my words. Enjoy!

Loving the up-close-and-personal perspectives. It really "up's" the cute factor...

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