Monday, October 31, 2011

31 for 21: Day 31 ~ This is it!

Wow! What an amazing ride this past month. I missed a few days here and there, but mostly I was able to share some information and my thoughts and feelings on living life with T21. Not every post was about T21, but that's because our lives are overflowing with stuff outside of that realm as well.

I hope that I've been able to inform and inspire and open the hearts of some people along the way. I realize that many of the people reading this blog are already loving someone with T21, but I know that occasionally, a newbie will find their way here and that's where big differences are just waiting to be made.

So readers, please, if you read something you like or you think is worth sharing, please do!

I've also read plenty of blogs and gotten to know my online friends in the T21 community a little better. Thank you for letting me in and giving me a peek of your life. We all have a lot to learn from one another. My readers can check out my favorites my taking a look at my sidebar. There are some real gems in there...

It's Halloween, and our babies are all in bed snoozing because in our area, most towns do their trick-or-treating the Thursday before Halloween. I think it's to prevent extra mischief or something along those lines. Anyhow, it means the actual holiday can be dedicated to grown-up time and watching some scary movies instead! BOO! Have a great night everyone - if you're out and about - be safe and have fun!!

To sign off, I'm adding the video virtually synonomous with Halloween as well as an awesome interpretation via decorations... Enjoy whichever you'd prefer (or both)!

1 comment:

  1. I'll take number 2 in really near my house :) It has been a great month stretching myself and getting to know you and others! Loving connecting with new mamas.


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